Brooklyn Bridge Walk

5 10 2010

brookly bridge walk

Originally uploaded by kherskowitz

One of our favorite things to do when people visit us in Brooklyn is to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. The history of the bridge, particularly how it was built, is fascinating. Plus there is the most delicious ice cream at the end of the bridge at the Ice Cream Factory and the best playground EVER at Pier 5.

A Favorite Resource (Parent and Teacher)

23 09 2010

One of my most used resources for understanding all the media that is out there for children is a site called Common Sense Media. I use it to find new books, movies and websites for my children and also to keep up on the things for my students.  The site offers a rich resource including parent and child reviews.  There are also many resources for parents and educators on helping to wade through everything there is to know and think about when dealing with the internet world and children.

Apple picture upload

14 09 2010

I had some difLearning Inspired "logo"ficulty  uploading a picture into my header.  It seemed to have uploaded fine, but was only appearing on my ‘about’ page when I viewed the site.  I tried reloading the image again and continued to have the same problem.

I finally decided to move on and try another task.  Posted my first blog entry and Voila! There was the image I had been struggling with.

For some reason it didn’t upload onto the blog page until I added an entry. Hmmm….

The image was taken by me.  No photography experience (obviously!).

Hello world!

14 09 2010

Here is my the first test post for Learning Inspired.  The blog title is taken from a podcasting project I did in Rick Reo’s podcasting course at GMU.  I thought I would try to continue the theme.